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Welcome to
the godiva project
It's great to see you here!
I'm so honoured to have the opportunity to work with you
and be a part of your life-changing journey!
Let's get started to see
if we're a good fit!
Please tell me a little bit about yourself by filling out the following information. After all, we will be spending 12 weeks together and I want to make sure that this is the right program for you.
If you have any questions about this program or would like more information, please email me at:
[email protected]
Let's get started...
(Don't worry! Your privacy is important to me so I will never share your information in any way. Everything will be kept confidential. Promise!)
Indicates required field
Birthday (DD/MM/YY)
Where do you currently live?
City/Prov/State/Country (no address required)
Contact Phone Number
This is the phone number that you would like me to contact you at for your information session.
Occupation or Profession
Why are you interested in this program?
What are your 3 top goals? (i.e. lose 10 pounds, look younger, have more energy.) Please be SPECIFIC.
Do you have any health concerns at this time:
Please list any known food sensitivities or allergies:
What are the biggest obstacles that are preventing you from reaching your goals?
What do you hope to achieve by enrolling in this program?
Are you at the point where nothing else seems to be working and you are finally 100% ready to take action and commit to yourself?
Are you ready, willing, and able to be coachable, show up to coaching calls, make healthy lifestyle and diet changes that may be necessary for your success?
How will you feel when you look and feel better than you have in a while?
How will reaching/exceeding your goals affect your life?
Thanks! See you soon!